Theresa Antonellis
Residency: July 9 – 30, 2019
For larger view, click on image.
Photo by Sina Dehghani
Theresa Antonellis’s drawing and painting practice of breath-generated marks using body-centered meditations culminate in organic abstractions. They express the time experienced in meditation and locate the space between the body and mind—natural and abstract. She purposefully focuses on her breath, and as she exhales, she makes a mark. Each of her marks is an externalization of an internal process.
Antonellis made the ink used in her drawings at the residency. Her recipes is: 3 ounces of finely ground oak gall; 1 cup of boiling water; 2 ounces of ferrous sulfate; 1 ounce gum arabic; egg shells; and 1 cup of sterile water.
Antonellis is the director of the Martha Gault Art Gallery at Slippery Rock University in Pennsylvania, where she also teaches Art History. Her artwork has been exhibited at universities and colleges in New England, New York, and Ohio. She lives and works in Newton, Massachusetts.