Cindy Cleary
Residency: June 21 – July 7, 2012
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Photo by T.C. Moore
Cindy Clearly has been working with natural objects and eco-art for the past 30 years. She connects the energy held in natural materials with innate memory and story. She writes, “I have long thought about my work as an exploration of emotional landscape. What I have come to know is that it is an exploration of coming home. Working with organic materials, I am unraveling layers of time and consciousness. My hope is to touch those places within each of us that hold our deepest memories, known to us only through our bodies. The work reflects my interest in who we are within a larger natural world, and how the generative power of nature becomes a source of our creativity when sparked by our own inner fire. The materials I use are chosen intentionally for their inherent qualities and for their symbolism. Part of the power and beauty of the work is in its transitory essence, the anticipation of its eventual disintegration. Each piece holds within its materiality the shared journey of all life: the seeds of birth, death, and regeneration. The work, then, becomes both a metaphor for life and an intersection into our own path. Its energy lies in its rawness and ultimate impermanence.”
Cleary’s work has been exhibited in Northern California and Colorado. She was born in Los Angeles, and she lives and works in Sonoma County, California.