Chad Moore
Residency: August 7 - 28, 2018
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Photo by T.C. Moore
Chad Moore is a painter and a sculptor. His intensely elaborate work shifts between drawing, painting, collage, and sculpture. Using a wide range of components--from discarded infant formula bottles and abandon furniture to collage imagery from both found and personally taken photographs--he builds a dense palette to create psychological landscapes.
Moore writes: “I address questions about consumerism through sculptures and installations created with the leftover packaging of consumables and related materials of all types--plastic shopping bags, shampoo and water bottles, various cords, cable, and tubing, etc. I make a wire framework and attach the materials on top of one another. The impetus for some of these pieces springs from the debris found in San Francisco, a result of homelessness and mental illness as well as a physical manifestation of the failures of consumerism for the individual. On a macro level, this series addresses the fusion of our detritus with the natural world and the food chain, such as the Pacific Garbage Patch or plastics that are consumed and digested by birds and marine life. My drawings and paintings often begin from photos I take walking around the city….They form a type of landscape or meteorological phenomena resembling an ‘Inscape’ as first depicted by the Chilean painter, Roberto Matta. An ‘Inscape’ has been described as ‘the psychoanalytic view of the mind as a three-dimensional space.’ In my work, they represent a place where the drive for consumption enters the deeper stratum of our unconscious; where logos and mascots can be mistaken for gods and demons; nacho sauce and soda mimic primordial seas; and the vast spaces of a big-box store become the fertile plains of the Storm God.”
Moore has exhibited throughout the United States. He was born in Rome, Georgia, and currently lives and works in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.