Carolin Rechberg
Residency: August 9 - 30, 2016
For larger view, click on image.
Photo by T.C. Moore
Carolin Rechberg is an interdisciplinary artist. She considers her body of work a Gesamtkunstwerk (art work produced by a synthesis of various art forms). In response to content, situation, and space, the work results in a cyclical communication of different mediums from drawing, installation, painting, performance, photography, printmaking, sculpture, writing, or voice. Through the exploration and study of art, she gains insight into layers, principles, patterns, and rhythms that come together to inform artwork and life. The work is guided by instinctual and considered gesture. Her work places value on the experiences and recognitions involved and drawn from artistic processes. She highlights in her own process the importance of being present through a focused awareness of multisensory perception.
Rechberg has exhibited, lived, and travelled internationally. Her work has been exhibited in California, New York, Miami, Japan, and Spain. She was born in Starnberg, Bavaria, Germany. She lives between New York and Maryland, and she works in her art studio/gallery/office space in Riverdale, New York.