Benjamin Britton
Residency: November – December 2010
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Benjamin Britton is a painter and did his residency at the JB Blunk studio. He writes: “More often than not, it seems to me that life calls for the senseless wonder of pursuing something as likely to fail so exquisitely as a painting might. The threshold for adventure is there, at least. The practice of painting gathers what it wants to it, and some things can't help but help themselves to painting. When it's working out, painting is a unique agreement on the circumstances of beauty and meaning, which is rarely simple. It is frequently and actually messy. Painting is a way to constitute the experience of looking in an ecstatic sense by projecting one's body into a field of illusion, color, and space.”
Britton’s work has been shown in galleries and alternative spaces in New York, Los Angeles, Seattle, and Atlanta. He teaches drawing and painting at the Lamar Dodd School of Art. He was born in California, and lives and works in Athens, Georgia.