Babette Wight
Residency: June 3 - 24, 2014
For larger view, click on image.
Photo by T.C. Moore
Babette Wight engages with materials as an adventure to see what emerges. Her work arises from the intersection of internal feelings, memory, contemplation, and external stimuli. Being present and in the moment, she adds elements of play and spontaneity to the art process and creates a union with the work that is beyond the confines of thoughts.
Wight works with old magazines and packaging cardboard, along with an orbital sander, white glue, and a face mask to create something new from the old. She repeatedly tears out pages, pasting, building up layers of color, then sanding the papers back down. It is during this reductive process that transformation occurs. The process is time consuming, instinctual, and the outcome never predetermined. Typically, she layers her painting on panels, but also experiments with cardboard backing. Depending on the space, she works on large multiple pieces simultaneously.
Wight has exhibited her work in New York and California. She was born in England, and currently lives and works there.